Movement control is the ability of applying the right amount of force for the precise range of the movement at the speed you desire.
The body needs to perform the basic movements before it can do the more advanced ones – faster speeds, higher loads and longer endurance.
So, what do we mean by Basic Movements?
Proprioception Flexibility Agility Stability Endurance
These are the main aims of our Mobifit Classes!
Specially tuned for people with various pain and mobility issues and for those who had been training but are always getting hurt. They can have a workout, learn new skills, get fit, and sweat it out SAFELY with the guidance of our therapist.
You need and want more advanced workout?? Yes, we can work with you, too, with our group of fitness experts. We have designed the individualised programs and have structured them specifically for you, allowing you to achieve the goals that you set with us.
Best of all, you now understand your body, how to move correctly, and perform “fitness” better!